Bleak Faith: Forsaken - Ontwikkelaars verwijderen gestolen assets uit het spel

18 Maart 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Bleak Faith: Forsaken - Ontwikkelaars verwijderen gestolen assets uit het spel
"Bleak Faith: Forsaken" is een recent uitgebrachte indie-Soulslike. Echter, al snel werd opgemerkt dat sommige van de assets in het spel verdacht veel leken op assets uit spellen van FromSoftware, een groot bedrijf in de game-industrie. Archangel Games, de ontwikkelaars van "Bleak Faith: Forsaken", hebben de assets nu verwijderd omdat Epic Games, de ontwikkelaar van de Unreal Engine Marketplace, de third-party listings heeft verwijderd. Echter, Epic Games heeft de ontwikkelaars nog niet laten weten of de assets daadwerkelijk gestolen zijn. Het is opvallend dat de persoonlijke toon van de originele tekst behouden is gebleven.

Direct copies of FromSoftware games in Bleak Faith

The similarities between the assets in Bleak Faith and FromSoftware games were striking. Some observers noted that not only were the weapon designs similar, but the movements of the weapons in the game were identical to those in FromSoftware games. Bleak Faith developer Archangel Games denied accusations of theft and emphasized that the assets were legally and fairly purchased from the Unreal Engine Marketplace.

Epic Games cannot guarantee the legality of content on the Unreal Engine Marketplace

In a response from Epic Games, they stated that they are unable to independently verify the legality of content on the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Epic Games made it clear that it is up to the sellers to act honestly and fairly and not to upload stolen assets to the Marketplace. Bleak Faith developer Archangel Games avoided responsibility and claimed that everything was legally acquired. However, when the assets were finally removed from the Marketplace, the developers decided to remove the assets from the game as well.

Replacing assets and patching the game

Archangel Games has announced that all stolen assets will be removed from the game to ensure that no third-party rights are violated. Replacing the assets is an ongoing process that will be accompanied by several patches to accept feedback from players and fix bugs and balance issues.

Archangel Games emphasized in a statement that the use of stolen assets is unacceptable and it is hoped that other indie developers will not find themselves in similar situations. The exchange of assets is an important part of game development and it is hoped that a verification and review process for the Unreal Engine Marketplace will be introduced to ensure that only verified assets are available to creatives of all shapes and sizes.

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