Galactic Seasons 4 in Star Wars: The Old Republic - De seizoensdoelen van 6 juni tot 4 juli

06 Juni 2023
Galactic Seasons 4 in Star Wars: The Old Republic - De seizoensdoelen van 6 juni tot 4 juli

Galactische Seizoenen 4

Galactische Seizoenen 4: "Een Doorgang van Vrede" is vorige maand begonnen en brengt opnieuw veel spannende inhoud voor fans van Star Wars: The Old Republic. Net als in het vorige seizoen worden de dagelijkse en wekelijkse seizoensdoelen maandelijks bekendgemaakt. In dit artikel presenteren we je de lijst met seizoensdoelen van 6 juni tot 4 juli.

Overzicht van de weken en hun doelen

Hier vind je een samenvatting van de weken en hun respectievelijke dagelijkse en wekelijkse doelen voor de maand juni:

Week 11 (June 6 - June 13):

  • Daily: Earn 25,000 personal conquest points in your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 objectives, such as collecting reflection notes, defeating enemies in the galaxy with Amity as your active companion, finding artifacts, and completing missions as a Jedi Consular or Sith Inquisitor.

Week 12 (June 13 - June 20):

  • Daily: Earn 25,000 personal conquest points in your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 objectives, such as collecting meditation points with Amity as your companion, defeating targets on Corellia, finding artifacts, and completing missions as a Trooper or Agent.

Week 13 (June 20 - June 27):

  • Daily: Earn 25,000 personal conquest points in your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 objectives, such as defeating enemies without companion assistance, collecting materials for war supplies, completing missions on different planets, and earning medals in Galactic Starfighter.

Week 14 (June 27 - July 4):

  • Daily: Earn 25,000 personal conquest points in your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 objectives, such as collecting reflection notes, completing missions as a Smuggler or Bounty Hunter, defeating targets on Quesh, and earning medals in Galactic Starfighter.

Learn more about Star Wars: The Old Republic and Steam Keys

If you're looking for more information about Star Wars: The Old Republic or interested in other games, visit our website Keyfuchs. Here you'll also find great deals on Steam Keys to expand your game collection.

Have fun reaching your season goals in Galactic Seasons 4 and may the Force be with you!