Star Wars: The Old Republic - Galactic Seasons 4: "Een doorgang van vrede"

27 April 2023 / by Tom Schwiha
Star Wars: The Old Republic - Galactic Seasons 4: "Een doorgang van vrede"

Galactic Seasons 4: "Een doorgang van vrede" - Een overzicht van de wekelijkse doelen

Hey, Star Wars-fan! Ben je klaar voor het vierde Galactic Season in Star Wars: The Old Republic? In "Een doorgang van vrede" wachten er spannende dagelijkse en wekelijkse seizoensdoelen op je. Doe mee en beïnvloed de melkweg met jouw heldendaden. Hier vind je alles wat je moet weten over de wekelijkse doelen van week 6 tot week 10.

Week 6 (May 2-9): Collect Conquest Points

  • Daily: Influence the galaxy by earning 25,000 personal conquest points through your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 season objectives, such as earning 200,000 personal conquest points through your legacy or unlocking artifacts with your seeker droid.

Week 7 (May 9-16): Master Meditation Points and Defeat Enemies

  • Daily: Influence the galaxy by earning 25,000 personal conquest points through your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 season objectives, such as earning meditation points with Amity as your companion or defeating enemies on Coruscant or Dromund Kaas.

Week 8 (May 16-23): Master Space Missions

  • Daily: Influence the galaxy by earning 25,000 personal conquest points through your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 season objectives, such as earning meditation points with Amity as your companion or completing space missions in your personal ship.

Week 9 (May 23-30): Defeat Enemies on Various Planets

  • Daily: Influence the galaxy by earning 25,000 personal conquest points through your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 season objectives, such as earning meditation points with Amity as your companion or defeating enemies on CZ-198, Ilum, Iokath, or Zakuul.

Week 10 (May 30-June 6): Complete Missions as a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior

  • Daily: Influence the galaxy by earning 25,000 personal conquest points through your legacy.
  • Weekly: Complete 7 out of 10 season objectives, such as earning meditation points with Amity as your companion or completing missions as a Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior.

Now you know the weekly objectives for Galactic Seasons 4: "A Passage of Peace" in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Get started and influence the galaxy! For more information about the game, visit our Star Wars: The Old Republic page. And if you're looking for affordable Steam keys, check out Keyfuchs.

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